
207 posts
Long time fighting game fan. Dude that does the site

Official Translated 4 Panel Comics from Falcoon

Falcoon Master made some wide panel 4 panel comics about the SNK online shop and one of his coworkers translated them for him!

KOF98UMOL Sever 1 Club

This post comes a bit late, in fact it has been over 100 days since KOF98UMOL has gone live on the North American Servers.
I have a guild on Server 1 called ComicFight! I spent all my diamonds leveling up early, and now I spend my diamonds on equipment chests and donating to the club.
I havent dropped a dime on any of the games, so don’t expect to be number 1, but we have enough people to get good rewards.

KOF98UMOL North American Release!

The game is out now on iOS and android for North American countries for example Canada USA Mexico. This time it is easily available on the App Store and Google Play. In fact it’s been about 22 days, but I’m sure you know that because you follow the @comic_fighter Twitter.

So mechanics of the game or switch around mostly the diamond in the way you get it and use your diamonds. The USA team is available from the start. The English was just about the same as the other countries, It uses the non-Japanese graphics for some of the characters.

My biggest gripe is that I can’t use Hands of Midas 10 times a day without VIP. I’m only allowed three times. A second gripe would have to be in the arena, you have to wait 30 seconds before being able to skip a fight. However, it went down to 10 as I progressed in the game.

I still enjoy the game. So now I am playing the Japanese version, Micronesian version, and the American version. It is fun for me since I can play different teams, on different servers, with different restrictions, instead of having multiple accounts on the same version.

The north American version was released on google play before iOS. So naturally I played it on android first and had to register my account in the game with Facebook. There is no email account login! When the iOS version came out I was unable to login with my iPhone. Although the game offers you a chance to switch accounts, it hasn’t been useful for me. It looks like I will have to contact customer service.
OK so now I will look for the links to post in here!

Google: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ourpalm.kof98.us
iOS: https://appsto.re/us/eQm9hb.i
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Kof98umol/
Homepage: http://98kof-us.game-bean.com/